In the last few years, (and more so amidst COVID), the workplace that we know of has evolved enormously. There is a drastic evolution in the way corporates interact with their internal and external audience. Amidst all this volatility, does any employee relation strategy even make sense?
Well, let’s explain why employee relations matter much more than ever and find top tips from industry experts, to help create a perfect employee relation strategy for building robust and productive employer-to-employee relationships.
Employee Relations: What Are They?
Employee relations are the interactions between managers and the people they supervise HR workers and employees, and employees themselves. Employee relationships are built over time through both individual encounters and corporate-wide activities.
How can company policies have an impact on employee relations?
- Perks packages
- Communications strategies
- Techniques for resolving disputes
- avenues for employee development
- Maintaining employee interactions that promote a productive workplace is a major responsibility of HR.
Top 3 Benefits of Enhancing Employee Relations

A favorable Work Environment
A positive work environment is correlated with good employer-employee relations. To enable employees to produce effective work, the organization should establish an environment where they feel comfortable, supported, and engaged.
Less Contention
Communication is a key component of good employee relations. Conflict in the workplace results from communication breakdowns, such as when management ignores a performance issue, or an employee lacks clear guidance. Conflict naturally decreases in an organization that promotes open and honest communication.
Higher Productivity
A sense of loyalty to the company can be fostered by good employee interactions. More driven to produce excellent work, employees who sense a connection to their employer that goes beyond the payment might result in improved output and a better working environment.
10 Fantastic Ways to Improve Employee Relationships in 2023 & Build Your Brand Image

1. Create a compelling mission
Your mission gives your company’s operations more meaning and gives employees something to get behind. Employees may experience a greater feeling of purpose in their work if their organization has a clear, meaningful mission. Additionally, it offers a structure for the remainder of your employee relations plan.
Create a strategic mission and keep updating employees on it. Include it in your daily operations. Live it through daily business operations and long-term projects for the company.
2. Establish avenues for employee support
Not all information should be provided from the top down. Channels that enable communication from the bottom up should also be implemented.
Keep asking if the employees are able to get assistance when they need it. It’s crucial to establish appropriate support systems, let staff know about them, and promote their usage of them. Employees must have faith that raising a problem won’t result in unfavorable consequences. Internal communication can work with the HR team to create robust employee support drives and awareness campaigns.
3. Make technology the Cornerstone
Technology may be utilized to improve communication, expedite workflows, and recognize hard work — all crucial elements of good employee relations. But technology should be the cornerstone of your employee relations strategy, not just a medium.
Making the correct technology a priority and making constant investments in it will make your employees’ tasks simpler, less stressful, and more fun. Employees that are content are dependable and effective.
4. Request feedback, Put Communications Team into Action

If you don’t inquire, how will you know what your employees actually desire from their relationship with you as their employer? Obtain feedback from your workforce by conducting focus groups with a representative sample of employees from across the organization, one-on-one interviews, and feedback questionnaires.
5. Make Talents feel appreciated with Your Actions Too
Regularly thank your staff for their contributions and give them rewards when they go above and beyond what is expected of them. Establishing a culture of employee appreciation promotes employee engagement, aids in the retention of top talent, and enhances performance.
It’s not the only technique to convey to staff members how much you value them. By committing to a comprehensive benefits package that includes top-notch health insurance, matching retirement contributions, and plenty of PTO, employers demonstrate to their staff that they value their well-being.
6. Turn Your Talent into Brand Ambassador

More rivalry exists today than ever before, not only for clients but also for talent. Since you can’t please customers without a committed, hard-working workforce, employee satisfaction in this environment is at least as vital as customer satisfaction, if not more so.
To make your staff into brand ambassadors, make business decisions with them in mind. A highly committed employee of your firm makes the best spokesperson for it.
7. Increase managerial transparency & Be Visible
Managers have a reputation for staying in meetings from the moment they arrive until they leave the building. Meetings are necessary for managing a team, but they can also give managers the impression that they are distant and unreachable.
Find ways to be a regular presence in the office to help employees feel comfortable with corporate executives. Utilize events like departmental meetings and all-staff gatherings to provide staff members valuable face time with the leaders overseeing the organization where they spend 40 hours or more each week.
8. Provide possibilities for Upskilling & Growth
A very powerful method to demonstrate how much you respect the connection is by actively developing your staff. To show that you’re dedicated to assisting them in growing with the company, offer skill training, pay conference registration fees, give them leadership opportunities, and make other expenditures.
9. Resolve disputes swiftly
Due to the diverse origins, ideologies, and personalities of co-workers, some workplace conflict is unavoidable. Employees should ideally have the resources necessary to handle issues on their own before escalation becomes necessary.
If that doesn’t happen, the company must be prepared to intervene and settle disagreements quickly. Passive handling of disagreement, or worse, turning a blind eye to it, is a guaranteed way to get rid of good employees and destroy the trust you’ve established with your team.
10. Begin at the beginning
A robust and well-planned employee orientation process is essential because it sets the tone for long-lasting employee relationships from the moment a new worker starts working there. By incorporating employee relations into your hiring process and giving priority to frequent applicant interactions in a tone that is consistent with your employer brand, you can even go one step further and start before the job offer is made.
Good employee interactions don’t just happen naturally. They are consciously constructed over time by making wise decisions. You may use employee relations to recruit, engage, and retain the best employees by following the tips above.
Intellyk Is known for offering the best employee and client satisfaction with superb benefits and retention policies. Drop us a query today and schedule a meeting with our specialist to know how we can help your business hire and retain the best talents!